Plastruct was established in 1968 to serve the consumer hobbyist through mail order and retail stores.
Beginning as a one man, 500 sq. ft. operation, Plastruct has grown into an international company with over 50 employees and corporate offices, warehouses and production facilities now totalling 30,000 sq. ft.
Plastruct’s original products were conveniently displayed in a colorful, rotating, counter-top display. The first 16-page Plastruct Catalog contained approximately 250 products consisting of Gray ABS Structural Shapes and White Butyrate Tubing with some basic Fittings.
Plastruct grew slowly but steadily during the first 20 years, adding a few new products or model railroading scratchbuilding Kits with each new Catalog printing. While Plastruct’s product range increased moderately, Plastruct’s worldwide expansion moved rapidly with nearly 5000 Displays worldwide and foreign subsidiary offices on four different continents.
Plastruct’s customer base also grew to include Architectural model builders, Graphic Artists, Miniaturists and Doll House enthusiasts, Special Effects companies, Schools and Educators. In 1985, Plastruct merged with a sister company specializing in architectural model parts, which caused Plastruct’s product range to increase to more than 2000 different products.
By the late 1990’s Plastruct Catalog contains an even wider assortment of products. With the addition of Plastruct’s FineLine White Styrene Structural Shapes, Sheet and Tubing, and the Design Technology (D&T) Educational product line, Plastruct now manufactures and distributes over 4000 versatile products, directed toward every facet of model building and design. Plastruct provides quality service and products to Architects, Art Designers, Craftsmen, Educators, Engineers, Graphic Artists, Industrial Designers, Kit-Bashers, Military Modelers, Miniaturists, Model Railroaders and Scratchbuilders of all types. PLASTRUCT parts can be used for modelbuilding in scales ranging from very small (1:1200) to quite large (1:12) by professionals and hobbyists alike.
Plastruct scratchbuilding products cover every part of a model, from foundation to landscaping to finishing. Presented in colorful, space-saving, sturdy, point-of-purchase floor and counter-top Displays, Plastruct’s well recognized rotating merchandisers are now located in 7500 Hobby, Graphic Art, Book, Craft, and other retail stores worldwide. Plastruct is also available by mail order from several different sources, including factory direct when necessary.
Plastruct utilizes three major manufacturing processes. In-house facilities include five injection molding presses, five extrusion lines, one sheet line, one wire coating line and one vacuum former. The most accurate and quality efficient methods of production and the most suitable raw materials have been selected. For customer convenience, the fully illustrated Plastruct Catalog lists the manufacturing process and material for each product.
In 2008 Plastruct celebrated it’s 40th anniversary as being the world’s leading supplier of plastic scratchbuilding model parts.